Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices

Repairing relationships and building trust

School wide restorative practices nurture students by providing them with meaningful opportunities for improving social and emotional skills, such as recognising and managing emotions, developing caring and concern for others, making responsible decisions, establishing positive relationships and handling challenging situations in a constructive way. Restorative practice aims to restore damaged relationships between students, helping them operate effectively in the classroom playground and giving them the tools to implement these strategies across any area of life.

All staff members at Mater Dei Primary school work together to establish and maintain a positive school climate. All adults communicate, teach, and model the positive behaviours they expect students to exhibit in the classroom and school throughout the day. By setting expectations, teaching students to meet those expectations and regularly reinforcing appropriate behaviours, schools see fewer incidents of inappropriate behaviour and more time spent on teaching and learning.

PBL includes learning and applying restorative practices such as correcting behaviour calmly and in a manner that demonstrates that the student is safe and supported at school, viewing inappropriate behaviour as an instructional opportunity and using consequences that promote student self-reflection and change for the betterment of their community.

The Behaviour Management Policy at Mater Dei Catholic School was developed to ensure the safety and security of all its members. We believe and expect that all members of the school community maintain the right to learn and play in a safe environment.

The restorative philosophy

Our restorative approach

Underpinning the CEDWW Behaviour Management Policy at Mater Dei Catholic Primary is the 

restorative philosophy.




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